[MOVIE] Jagad X code (2009)

Jagad X code (2009) | 493.16MB
Three unemployment young children that lived in Kali Code village, Yogyakarta. Jagad (Ringgo Agus Rahman), Bayu (Mario Irwiensyah) and Gareng (Opie Bahtiar) tried to bring about his wish was their respective. Jagad want to bought the washing machine for his mother, Bayu was wanting to have magazine and book store, while Gareng wanted to make the salon small for his brother, Manik.
Jagad X code (2009) | 493.16MB
His wish collided the problem of the fund. The three of them did not have the work that continue to. But, a meeting that was not deliberate with the leading figure of the thug named Semsar (Tio Pakusadewo) as though will change all of them. They will it was promised get money totalling thirty million if could find an object that had a name flashdisk. But because of the technological gap, the three of them did not know what flashdisk. Then when they tried to ask the person in and around them. No-one that understood flasdisk that what. When flashdisk was found, just they understood why the small object was looked for by many sides.
Director: Herwin Novianto
Writer(s): Armantono
Cast: Ringgo Agus Rahman, Mario Irwiensyah, Opi Bachtiar, Tika Putri, Tio Pakusadewo, Ray Sahetapy, Ully Artha
Release Date: February 5, 2009
Country: Indonesia
Website: JagadXCodeMovie.Com
Distributor: Maleo Pictures
Genre: Comedy
imdb - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1369718/
nfo - http://bayimg.com/image/mapijaabm.jpg

Tiga anak muda pengangguran yang tinggal di kampung Kali Code Yogyakarta. Mereka Jagad (Ringgo Agus Rahman), Bayu (Mario Irwiensyah) dan Gareng (Opie Bahtiar) berusaha mewujudkan keinginannya masing-masing. Jagad ingin membelikan mesin cuci bagi ibunya, Bayu ingin mempunyai sendiri lapak jualan buku dan majalah, sementara Gareng ingin membuat salon kecil buat Menik adiknya.
Keinginannya tersebut terbentur masalah dana. Mereka bertiga tidak mempunyai pekerjaan yang tetap. Akan tetapi, sebuah pertemuan yang tidak sengaja dengan tokoh preman bernama Semsar ( Tio Pakusadewo) seakan akan akan merubah semuanya. Mereka dijanjikan akan mendapatkan uang sebanyak tiga puluh juta jika mampu menemukan sebuah benda yang bernama flashdisk. Tetapi karena kesenjangan tehnologi, mereka bertiga tidak tahu apa itu flashdisk. Pun ketika mereka mencoba bertanya pada orang di sekitar mereka. Tidak seorang pun yang mengerti flasdisk itu apa. Ketika flashdisk ditemukan, barulah mereka mengerti kenapa benda kecil itu dicari oleh banyak pihak.
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